Croatian Lacrosse League


     HRVATSKA LACROSSE LIGA – Hrvatska lacrosse liga najviši je sustav natjecanja lacrossea u Hrvatskoj. Format natjecanja je turnirski, te je podijeljen u dva dijela, proljetni i jesenski. Svaka ekipa igra dvije utakmice po turniru, a nakon posljednjeg, šestog turnira i dvanaest odigranih    utakmica, ekipa s najvećim brojem bodova osvaja titulu prvaka hrvatske u lacrosseu.

Raspored za natjecateljsku sezonu 2018:

Proljetna polu-sezona:

24.3. – Split

21.4. – Varaždin

20.5. – Zagreb

Pobjednik za sezonu 2017. je klub Zagreb Patriots. Više o kraju sezone pročitajte ovdje.

CROATIAN LACROSSE LEAGUE – Croatian Lacrosse League is the highest competitive system of lacrosse in Croatia. It’s played in a tournament format which is divided into two parts. Springball and Fallball. Every team plays two games per tournament and after the final, sixth     tournament, the team with the highest amount of points is crowned as the new Croatian Lacrosse Champion.

Springball schedule for 2018:

24.3. – Split

21.4. – Varaždin

20.5. – Zagreb

2017 season winner is Zagreb Patriots lacrosse team. You can read more about it in this article.

Rezultati za 2018 sezonu / Results for 2018 season:

Prvo kolo / First round:
1Zagreb Patriots - Zagreb Bulldogs7 : 2
2Split Legion - Varaždin Royals4 : 0
3Varaždin Royals - Zagreb Patriots0 : 6
4Zagreb Bulldogs - Split Legion3 : 3
Drugo kolo / Second round:
1Zagreb Bulldogs - Zagreb Patriots0 : 6
2Zagreb Patriots - Varaždin Royals8 : 5
3Varaždin Royals - Zagreb Bulldogs4 : 6
4Split Legion - Varaždin Royals (R)0 : 6
5Zagreb Patriots - Split Legion (R)6 : 0
Treće kolo / Third round:
1Zagreb Bulldogs - Varaždin Royals5 : 3
2Zagreb Patriots - Split Legion7 : 0
4Split Legion - Zagreb Bulldogs1 : 9

Ukupni poredak:

Croatian Lacrosse League
